Ramblings Regarding July Reading
Favorite book of the month: Elantris by Brandon Sanderson
Honorable Mentions: The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black, The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
Longest: Elantris by Brandon Sanderson
New authors to follow: Holly Black and Shirley Jackson
Total books read/listened to: 21 (20 books and 1 audiobook)
Re-reads: 0
Total pages read: 4685
Average pages per book: 223
Average pages per day: 151
Audiobooks: 1
Minutes Spent Listening: 366
1: 3
2: 2
3: 11
4: 4
5: 1
Did not finish: 0
Average: 2.90
Reviews Written/Published: 17
I'm not sure if I was having a cranky month or just an unfortunate one, but I had a remarkable number of one and two starred books this month. It probably suggests I ought to DNF books more often, but given most of them (and most of what I read) was quite short, it's not terribly surprising I finished them. I find it hard to give up on a book to begin with; giving up on a book that has half an hour left on it is almost impossible unless I am remarkably annoyed.
My average came out only a little lower than usual probably owing to the five starred book I had this month, because apparently Brandon Sanderson is like magic for me and I love everything he writes.
I finally sorted out a decent time and way to read audiobooks, so I'm getting my feet wet there. My first audiobook was a definite win and I really enjoyed it, and I've started a few others, but I find it much harder to find a time and a way to read them than I do e-books (I'm aware this is a strange thing, but I've never been quite normal in my reading habits), so I'm still working them in in odd places. I'll probably be doing a lot more of them as the year goes on, since they work quite well for me if I'm sitting at a computer and crafting something.
On the positive side of things, I got an actual approval for my first Netgalley book request! Celebrate with me! I also have been slowly working on reading and reviewing a few of the "read now" books, and now I feel like an official blogger or something!
How did everyone else's month go? Find any new books or ways of reading? Anything interesting you picked up?