Ramblings Regarding July Reading

Elantris - Brandon Sanderson The Darkest Part of the Forest - Holly Black The Haunting of Hill House - Shirley Jackson, Laura Miller

Favorite book of the monthElantris by Brandon Sanderson

Honorable MentionsThe Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black, The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson

LongestElantris by Brandon Sanderson

New authors to follow: Holly Black and Shirley Jackson


Total books read/listened to: 21 (20 books and 1 audiobook)

Re-reads:  0

Total pages read: 4685

Average pages per book: 223

Average pages per day: 151



Minutes Spent Listening: 366



1: 3

2: 2

3: 11

4: 4

5: 1

Did not finish:  0 


Average: 2.90


Reviews Written/Published: 17


I'm not sure if I was having a cranky month or just an unfortunate one, but I had a remarkable number of one and two starred books this month. It probably suggests I ought to DNF books more often, but given most of them (and most of what I read) was quite short, it's not terribly surprising I finished them. I find it hard to give up on a book to begin with; giving up on a book that has half an hour left on it is almost impossible unless I am remarkably annoyed. 


My average came out only a little lower than usual probably owing to the five starred book I had this month, because apparently Brandon Sanderson is like magic for me and I love everything he writes. 


I finally sorted out a decent time and way to read audiobooks, so I'm getting my feet wet there. My first audiobook was a definite win and I really enjoyed it, and I've started a few others, but I find it much harder to find a time and a way to read them than I do e-books (I'm aware this is a strange thing, but I've never been quite normal in my reading habits), so I'm still working them in in odd places. I'll probably be doing a lot more of them as the year goes on, since they work quite well for me if I'm sitting at a computer and crafting something.


On the positive side of things, I got an actual approval for my first Netgalley book request! Celebrate with me! I also have been slowly working on reading and reviewing a few of the "read now" books, and now I feel like an official blogger or something! 


How did everyone else's month go? Find any new books or ways of reading? Anything interesting you picked up?