Ramblings Regarding A Year's Worth of Reading (2015)

Elantris - Brandon Sanderson Mistborn: The Final Empire - Brandon Sanderson Firstborn - Brandon Sanderson The Pyramids of London - Andrea K. Höst My Heart and Other Black Holes - Jasmine Warga The High King's Golden Tongue - Megan Derr The Eye of the World  - Robert Jordan, Michael Kramer, Kate Reading Freedom And Not Peace - Lightning on the Wave dog songs - Mary Oliver Station Eleven - Emily St. John Mandel

Favorite book of the yearElantris by Brandon Sanderson

Honorable MentionsMistborn by Brandon Sanderson, Firstborn by Brandon Sanderson (seeing a trend here?), The Pyramids of London by Andrea K. Höst, My Heart and Other Black Holes by Jasmine Warga, and The High King's Golden Tongue by Megan Derr (all five-stars!)

Favorite series: Percy Jackson and the Olympians/The Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordan. (Yes, I'm calling them one series. I'm okay with that.)

Book That I Didn't Expect to Like As Much As I Did:  dog songs by Mary Oliver, Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel

Longest in pages: Freedom And Not Peace by Lightning on the Wave, at 2,226 pages (go go crazy long fanfic?)

Longest in minutes: The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan at 30 hrs and 2 mins

Series to finish: The Lunar Chronicles, The Raven Boys, The Wheel of Time, Throne of Glass (and like eighty more, but these are the standouts)

Authors I'm probably going to read everything by: Brandon Sanderson, Robert Jordan, Rick Riordan, Sarah J. Maas, Tana French, Rachel Caine


Total books ingested: 316

Re-reads/listens: 41, or 12.97%


Total books read: 296 or 93.67% of my books

Total pages read: 84,348

Average pages per book: 266

Average pages per day: 231


Audiobooks ingested: 20 or 6.32% of my books

Minutes spent listening: 11,800 (just counting finished books), or 196.6 hours or 8.19 days. So more than a week. Out of 52 weeks. Or, actually, given I discovered audiobooks halfway through the year almost exactly, out of 26 weeks. Good gog.

Average minutes per audiobook: 590, or 9.8 hours.

Average minutes per day: 32, so half an hour a day (or, again, given I only picked them up halfway through the year, an hour a day I was actually listening. Good grief.)



1: 12 (3.79%)

2: 24 (7.59%)

3: 192 (60.75%)

4: 82 (25.94%)

5: 6 (1.89%)

Did not finish:  2 (Officially marked as such--there's a crop I may never get back to, but I didn't actually decide I'd never read them, just that I wouldn't read them now. The perils of a mood reader...)


So I liked 88.58% of what I read. Pretty good odds, really.


Average: 3.14 (Pi! If ever there was a need to prove I am a geek (you know, beyond nested parentheses on the math portion of a book blog), there it is!)


Reviews Written/Published: 177, or very close to one every other day.


Sorry for all the math, but it is loads of fun.


This was a pretty good year, all told. A solid selection of five-star books, I read quite a few, I managed to get into comics and audiobooks (both of which have been on my list of things to try for years), and I accidentally got addicted to a few new authors/series/books. All in all, a year I can look back on in pleasure.