Never Never
I quite enjoyed this, but I do want to give a heads up for anyone who (like me, cough cough) did not know this: this is not just part of a series, it cliffhangers (is this a word? It is now.) really hard.
That's probably one of my main complaints about it, though it did take me a bit of time to get into it. Charlie and Silas were a little harder to connect to than I expected, given their circumstances. Charlie was especially tricky, and I found her first few chapters a bit a trudge through whining, but I did manage to settle in enough that I wasn't quite ready for things to be over when they were.
I do feel like the synopsis is one of those questionable ones. Maybe it works for the entirety of the story, but for what was contained in the novella I just read, it just didn't make sense. I was promised more than it delivered in terms of drama and answers, and I do kind of resent that, especially since I feel like it's coming--in the next novella.
Let's be honest, though--I'll probably read it. I don't think I'll buy it, because I am annoyed enough by the break and the shortness of it, but I'll probably read it. I'd like to know where their story goes, especially since now we're just barely starting to get some answers to at least some of the mechanics.
If you hate cliffhangers (not just series that are not complete, but genuine cliffhangers without any real finished plot arc), this might be a series to avoid until it is complete and you can read it all at once. So far, it seems worth it, but it is so hard to say at this point.