In A Dark, Dark Wood

In a Dark Dark Wood - Ruth Ware

I picked this up pretty much exclusively because it was an Audible Daily Deal one day, and it looked cool.


I don't actually regret that--it's fun to go in with almost no conception at all of what you are getting.


This was a solid thriller (admittedly, I was expecting a bit more of a horror story, but given I was basing that almost exclusively on the cover, that is completely my fault) with a few interesting twists and turns. I did have some of what was going on pegged pretty early on, but the back-and-forth of our narrator did trip me up, because when she tried to figure things out she was making good points regarding it, so I wasn't quite sure what to believe. The only thing I was certain of was the "mysterious message" portion--there was no doubt in my mind what was supposed to be implied there, so that centered my theories around a particular individual.


I did have some trouble pinning down the setting. The narrator is British, and it seemed clear when we started that the book was set in Britain, but there were a few odd points that kept cropping up that threw me. Some of it was language use (it went back and forth between "go to the hospital" and "go to hospital," which may be quite normal in Britain but I was under the understanding they used the latter exclusively?), some was content (at one point the group laughs about the idea that there may be an Indian Burial Ground underneath the house. Maybe that's an idea that has extended to Britain, but it seems pretty darn American to me?), but I kept having to stop and go "Wait, they are in Britain, right?" which was weirdly distracting.


Nora was a solid enough main character that I was hoping nothing bad would happen to her, which is honestly good enough for me in a thriller--I have certainly read quite a few I was rooting for the hero or heroine to get murdered, so it was pleasant to be rooting for her. The rest of the party was an interesting enough lot--I was quite willing to assume any and all of them were murderers or crazy people or hiding secrets long before the end, which was a very nice set-up.


I enjoy mysteries where you have a relatively small cast and a small, enclosed area--where you know it has to be one of these people, and everyone starts looking suspicious really quickly. This was well-done in that regard, and I'd be interested in picking up more by this author.