The Moonlit Road and Other Ghost and Horror Stories

I'm not sure how I managed to never hear of Ambrose Bierce, but I genuinely regret the omission in my earlier reading.
His stories are creepy, but they are also weirdly fun. He's nailed down a proper horror atmosphere, which is often the hardest thing, and he generally has a good grasp of the twist ending and how to mange it, which is remarkably difficult. He did have a few endings that felt a bit off (I find this weirdly common in horror of any kind), but most of the stories in this collection were enjoyable all the way to the end.
In terms of atmosphere, he reminds me quite a bit of Lovecraft or perhaps Poe, though his focus is farther west than theirs was, which adds a different feeling to the stories.
I will definitely be poking around for more of his writing now that I've discovered him. He's definitely worth reading for anyone who is interested in short horror stories.
This book was provided to me for free via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.