Ramblings Regarding March Reading
Favorite book of the month: The Squire, His Knight, and His Lady by Gerald Morris, which never fails to cheer me up.
Longest in pages: The Divergent Library by Veronica Roth at 1,888 pages (okay, yes, it is a series, but I read it in one volume and counted it as just one!)
Total books ingested: 47
Re-reads/listens: 10
Total books read: 45
Total pages read: 11,989
Average pages per book: 266.42
Average pages per day: 386.74
Audiobooks ingested: 2
Minutes spent listening: 1715
Average minutes per day: 55.32
1: 0
2: 0
3: 32
4: 15
5: 0
Did not finish: 1
Average: 3.31, which is pretty markedly high.
Reviews Written/Published: 7
The large number of novellas I devoured this month probably have something to do with the sheer number of books I managed to read, but the page count is still firmly in support of this month consisting of exactly what it felt like: reading all the time.
I'm kind of okay with that.
My reviewing habit is slowly kicking itself back into gear, and I'm hoping to get even better about it in April. I've made a good start on things, and I have an awful lot of books to choose from to review now!
The "theme" for March reading was supposed to be reading books based on their cover. This may or may not be how I choose books all the time (for better or worse...), but all of the Elliot James novellas and the Sarah Pinborough novels were definitely chosen based on that. I do love the elegance of their covers. There are quite a few other books I read this month with beautiful covers, but they were all chosen for other reasons.
April's theme is "read the genre you own the least of," and the first step of that for me is going to be figuring out what in the eclectic wonderland that is my reading life that genre actually is.
How did March reading go, everyone? Anything interesting? Plans for April?