Ramblings Regarding July Reading

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - J.K. Rowling, John Kerr Tiffany, Jack Thorne Ensnared - A.G. Howard

Favorite book of the monthHarry Potter and the Cursed Child 

Re-read that changed the rating: Splintered by A.G. Howard, which dropped from a four to a three, quite possibly due entirely to having to suffer through Jeb again.

Longest in pagesEnsnared by A.J. Howard at 420 pages (ouch)


Total books ingested: 26

Re-reads/listens: 7


Total books read: 25

Total pages read: 6548

Average pages per book: 261

Average pages per day: 211


Audiobooks ingested: 1 (I have been lousy about this lately)

Minutes spent listening: 734

Average minutes per day: 23



1: 0

2: 3

3: 18

4: 5

5: 0

Did not finish: 0


Average: 3.07, so about average.


I want to start this by saying that this month was a strange month, but since it actually did not differ greatly from the few months proceeding it, I'm a little concerned that this is actually the new normal. :x


I may possibly have pulled the "reviews written" section because if I actually calculated it, this post was going to be even later than it already is out of sorrow. My bad, guys; I've been remarkably lazy lately, and I genuinely need to find a new groove for things before I fall off the boat completely (Metaphor mixed, messy, and probably unnecessary--a sure sign I am not writing enough. Yeesh.)


At any rate, I did generally enjoy what I read this month, so there is that! I picked up some rather quirky stuff, which was interesting. David Sedaris is rather alarmingly hilarious, and the Origami Yoda series, which I picked up on a whim because it was on the shelf in my favorite coffee shop, was utterly adorable. Both are what I'd consider "rather unlike me" in terms of taste, which probably sums up my month pretty well.


I did finally finish the Splintered series, and I'm thinking of figuring out how many other series I have unfinished (A list, perhaps? Or even--gasp!--a challenge?) and actually sitting down to finish them. I can't quite explain my tendency to let them sit for so long, even when I own the entire series. I'm extraordinarily easily distracted (and finishing things is sometimes sad) in terms of books, though, which probably has quite a bit to do with it.


On re-evaluating my reading goal for the year, I have a confession to make: I'm not going to make it. x_x I hate admitting it, but there it is. When I started this year, I was in a rather different place and doing an awful lot more reading (and an awful lot less other things) than I am now, and maintaining a book a day seemed quite feasible (I was running ahead for the entirety of January), but while I'm certainly reading every day, and even reading books every day (the Battlenet forums don't quite count, I know, but WoW addiction is real, guys), I'm not finishing something every day. So I'll be dropping that back down to a more manageable 300 (yes, I'm aware that is still a moderately insane number. I am comfortable with moderate insanity) in the hopes that not feeling behind all the time will remind me to actually login and post things again.


This was alarmingly rambling, even for my rambling tag. How did everyone else's July go, though? Does anyone else leave series unfinished? How are reading challenges going? Read anything amazing? Did everyone else accidentally devour Cursed Child the day of release while imbibing way too much coffee?